Complementary Products

This documentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilize the "Complementary Products" feature in the Essence Shopify theme. This feature enhances the product page by displaying recommended products, encouraging customers to explore and purchase additional items.


  1. Search & Discovery App: Before using the Complementary Products feature, install the Search & Discovery app from the Shopify App Store.
  2. Product Recommendations Configuration: Configure your product recommendations within the app. For detailed instructions, visit Shopify's product recommendations guide.

Steps to Enable Complementary Products

  1. Access Theme Editor: Log in to your Shopify admin panel. Go to 'Online Store' > 'Themes'. Find the Essence theme and click on 'Customize' to open the theme editor.
  2. Navigate to Product Page: In the theme editor, open a product page from the dropdown menu at the top of the editor.
  3. Add Complementary Product Block: Within the product page, click on 'Add block'. Select 'Complementary Products' from the list of available blocks.
  4. Customize the Feature (Optional):
    • Heading: Change the heading text for the complementary products section.
    • Colors: Adjust the color scheme to match your store's design.
    • Product Display Limit: Set the maximum number of complementary products to display.
  5. Carousel Option:
    • If 'carousel' is enabled, products will be displayed one at a time. Users can navigate through them using next and previous buttons.
    • If 'carousel' is not ticked, all products will be displayed in a grid underneath each other.
  6. Save Changes: Once you are satisfied with the settings, click 'Save' to apply the changes to your live store.


By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Complementary Products feature in the Essence theme to enhance customer engagement and potentially increase sales through product recommendations.