
The Slideshow section is a dynamic way to showcase your brand and products. This section allows you to create a visually engaging slideshow that can feature both images and videos as backgrounds. Here's a guide on how to effectively use the Slideshow section.

Adding the Slideshow Section

  1. In the theme editor, click on "Add section."
  2. Select "Slideshow" from the available options.
  3. Once added, you can drag the Slideshow section in the sidebar to place it in your desired position, typically at the top of the page.

Features of the Slideshow Section

  • Background Media: The Slideshow section supports both images and videos as background, providing a rich visual experience.
  • Transparent Header Effect: It supports a transparent header effect, where the header overlays the slideshow, enhancing the aesthetic appeal.
  • Mobile-Optimized Media: You can upload a mobile-optimized version of the media for better performance on smaller devices.

Adding and Customizing Slides

  1. Click on "Add slide" within the Slideshow section in the sidebar.
  2. Upload your chosen image or video for the background. Optionally, upload a mobile-optimized version.
  3. Input your content, including heading, subheading, and button text.
  4. Customize your slides:
    • Adjust the content position.
    • Change the heading size and colors.
    • Set the overlay opacity to ensure readability over the background media.

Slideshow Settings

After adding your slides, you can fine-tune the slideshow's settings:

  • Automatic Play: Decide if the slides should play automatically.
  • Slide Height: Adjust the height of the slideshow to fit your design.
  • Controls Style: Choose between arrows or dots for slide navigation.
  • Animation Style: Select the animation style for slide transitions.
Customizing these settings will help you align the slideshow with your brand's aesthetic and the specific needs of your store.

By following these steps and utilizing the available settings, you can create a compelling Slideshow section that captivates your audience and enhances your online store's visual appeal.